Blog Post #1

It’s about that time! Instagram has decided on a new concept for their app!

If you’re an Instagram user, then you know very well that likes, shares, views and, comments become an essential part of running your profile. After launching the “Business Profile” feature, users were able to access logistics that no other social media platform provides. In this feature, insights such as profile views, reach, engagement, sharing and, various others became available right on the app. They even have a feature that suggests when you should post, based on when your followers and audience are most active. This is to ensure your content is being seen. Using this function allows for your profile to be discovered and reach a higher engagement.

It has become an obsession for users to reach a certain number of likes. Everyone wants their posts to be seen and reach the most engagement. Instagram has noticed the effect of likes on their app and decided to make a change.

As of July 17th, 2019, Instagram ran a test that hides the total number of likes and video views for people in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Ireland, Italy, Japan and, New Zealand. These users will not be able to see the number of likes that other user’s pictures have received, as well as the number of times it has been viewed. Although your likes are not visible to the public, you still will be able to see them, but only on your posts.

The company tweeted they are “looking forward to learning more about how this change might benefit everyone’s experience on Instagram because we want your followers to focus on the photos and videos you share, not how many likes they get.”

Instagram has received a mixed response from users. Some say they never asked for this, and others could not be happier about the weight it lifts off them.

Here is some feedback about their new concept.

Pop Star Troye Sivan

Studies show that receiving notifications from Instagram, sends a rush of chemical dopamine to the brain. Users become addicted to the response from their followers, on their content.

I don’t mind these features being hidden from the public, but I would like to see it only for my posts. Especially when building a brand, I think it’s important to see the engagement and how people are reacting to what you put out there. I think this will definitely encourage me to post freely, and not worry if it will reach the number of likes I desire, instead, post content because I like it.

This concept reminds me of VSCO. VSCO is an app that you can share photos on your profile, and users can favorite or republish your content to their collections. VSCO does not show you how many people favorite and republish your photo. The names are provided of who engaged, but no total number is provided.

With that being said, what’s your take on Instagram’s new concept?


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