Blog Post #7

Being able to express yourself to reflect what you represent, is one of the most important values in life. Self-worth is such a huge concept so many people lack. Realizing your worth, impact and who you are, is so important. Following the path of fulfillment, we create moments and we can grasp the understanding that we are capable of and realize our self-worth. “The marketplace of ideas” metaphor, justifies the freedom of speech and it reflects the freedom to think, imagine and create.

I strongly believe individual self-fulfillment is one of the most important values to have. Being able to stand up for what you believe in and defend who you are, is extremely powerful. The impact one can have on a person is immense. To believe in yourself, create and imagine expressively is not common amongst everyone, but if it is obtained, it radiates. The first amendment protects five basic freedoms: freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and freedom to petition the government. To find success in life, you need to be willing to speak your mind. Be expressive. Value your own thoughts and opinions. Regardless if it is economically, socially, spiritually, philosophically, or politically, EMBRACE the freedom you are GIVEN. Don’t limit yourself.

Now with this in mind, I respect the notion to DO WHAT YOU WANT. SAY WHAT YOU WANT. I think everyone is subjected to their own opinions. Heck yeah!! The world would be boring if our minds thought the same. There would be no entertainment, no adrenaline rush over passionate conversations. We communicate every day on platforms about shared opinions as well as the opposite. That’s amazing! As long as we keep it tasteful, and respectful. Morally, it may not be the best to promote, “SAY AND DO WHATEVER YOU WANT.” There should always be a thought in mind before words are said. Ask yourself, “Is this a good representation of who I am?” “Should I say this?”

We want to embrace our values, opinions, and thoughts. Our minds are imaginative and creative, and we should never limit ourselves. Speak with love, speak with passion, and speak with purpose. Know your worth, know what you’re capable of, and share it.  


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