Blog Post #8

Twitter was one of the newer innovations that didn’t make it onto the Com Tech Timeline but is one of the most used social media platforms, as well as my favorite. I like to think of Twitter as a real talk.  People say it like it is on Twitter. It’s the reality of what social media has become. Users have no filter when it comes to anything going on in the world, but that’s a platform we need. Honest, pure, raw conversations are all over Twitter. Not to mention, it's hilarious what people come up with. Twitter really makes you think due to the fact its solely about conversation and interaction. The variety of conversation is endless. It’s about anything and everything. The main reason I feel it gets used so often is that there is no judgment. You can follow, unfollow sit back and observe the conversation and not feel entitled to join in. Most new platforms tend to go right to Twitter to share news due to the fact it will spark immediate conversation. Twitter is all about communication, not likes. People will say what they feel, speak their mind, and do it for the sole purpose of communicating.

Twitter also allows users to speak with people of higher profiles directly. Instagram and Snapchat are known for sharing photos and videos with your followers. Twitter allows people to engage in conversation with celebrities and get their attention. They respond and communicate, and that is a huge reason as to why people use it so much.

There is a feature on TV programs to use the hashtag during LIVE shows to encourage people to tweet during the program. These hashtags will link the stars of the show as well as the viewers to share opinions and answer questions. This gets people talking and engaging in the show.

I think so many people became early adopters of Twitter because of how different it was from the other platforms. It was a different message and a different form of communication. As soon as something happens in the world, you will be updated on Twitter along with popular opinions and viewpoints. I think it’s an interesting way to stay connected to what’s currently going on. The only downside to a platform like this is to be mindful of the words you share. You need to be respectful and tasteful with how you chose to speak.


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