Blog Post #9

My online presence is quite strong. I use various different platforms and have accounts set up with personal information on each. As I started to expand my career in graphic design, I created a personal website to showcase my work, as well as, provide contact information for clients. Aside from business reasons, I am pretty active on my social media. I post frequently on Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter and VSCO. If I have something to share with my older relatives, you will see a post on Facebook. HAHA. On these sites, I have put almost everything about me. My friends, family, sorority, music I like, places I have vacationed and even the food I'm eating. It's kind of crazy now thinking about it, how much we actually share publicly for people to see. Any person who doesn’t know me will be able to see what school I go to, where I live, what sorority I am in, who my friends are, and lots of other personal information. I am not on private and I really should be, I just want my content to reach others, and I would never post something I wouldn’t want everyone and their mothers to see. On some of my accounts, my e-mail is available. My phone number is not posted on my social media, but it has been used to register for many sites. 

Now that I think about it, I use my e-mail and phone number to sign up for sites I don't even know much about. I don't really think too much about providing these sites with this information because I was never really aware of what they could obtain from it. 

Aside from the beauty of social media, I can see how people can become lonely, depressed and isolated, but how I see it, depends on your mindset. You can choose to submerge yourself into social media 24/7 and let it warp your mind and perceptions of what you think is beautiful, but I think in this generation we are all aware of what is real and what isn’t. Models you see on Instagram are PAID to look that way. That is apart of their job. You can choose to dwell on it, or you can use it as motivation and inspiration. Life is all about perspective and the way you look at it. Joke about it, laugh about it but there is no reason to be so delved into social media perceptions. 


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